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HomeKenya NewsWhy Kakamega governorship race is a match between Oparanya and Malala

Why Kakamega governorship race is a match between Oparanya and Malala


By Boniface Chachula

The Kakamega governorship race has narrowed down to a battle of three candidates pitting Senator Cleophas Malala, former Kenya Electricity Transmission Company(Ketraco) managing director Fernandes Barasa and Metropol CEO Sammy Omukoko.

The three have since been cleared by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

They have now hit the ground running to solidify their support base ahead of the August 9 polls.

Governor Wycliffe Oparanya

Lugari MP Ayub Savula was in the race but shelved his ambitions to deputise Mr Barasa while area Deputy Governor after being shortchanged twice in ODM and DAP-K, he decided to quit the race.

“This is one of the toughest contests we shall witness ahead of the August 9 polls. All the candidates have a big following and whoever will play his cards well shall carry the day,” said David Otieno, a political analyst.

Savula and Barasa

He added: “This is like a football match between Governor Wycliffe Oparanya and Senator Cleophas Malala. Each one of the is out to prove that he is superior to the other. Oparanya will use all means to ensure Barasa wins but he should not underrate Malala’s wave in the county,”

Barasa will flying the ODM flag under the Azimio la Umoja coalition   while Malala is flying the ANC flag under the Kenya Kwanza coalition. Omukoko is on Maendeleo Democratic Party (MDP).

Malala has since nominated Dr Beatrice Inyangala from Malava as his running mate.



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