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HomeKenya NewsWho is KILLING Masinde Muliro University students

Who is KILLING Masinde Muliro University students

By Mary Kathini Ngula


Students of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (Mmust) cannot sleep a wink as they do not know when their turn to be attacked, raped and then murdered in cold blood will come.

The estates like that of Kefinco, Lurambi, Milimani and Koromatangi is not safe for the students given by the rate at which they are being attacked and some left dead.

So far in a months’ time, at least three students have been killed in mysterious circumstances while others who survived in the hands of the dreaded gang left nursing life threatening injuries.

The latest case that has left many questions to be answered is the gruesome murder of Markrine Wanaina, a third year English and Literature student.

The killing of Markrine Wanaina has shaken us to the core. Our students within the estates are no longer safe. We wonder what police are doing in helping flush out the gang that is killing our students given that mystery surrounding previous murders has not been solved,” said Prof. Solomon Shibairo- Mmust VC

According to an eye witness, Wainaina’s body was discovered by a young boy who was going to school at 6am. The boy screamed and alerted them of the incident who them reported the matter to the police.

“Her head deep cuts and fresh blood was still oozing out from the head. She had been raped and was naked and her lifeless body abandoned a few meters from her house,” said the eye witness.

He said that she might have been killed in her house because there was blood on her bed, adding that the suspect might have been a person well known to the late Wanaina since the door was intact and not broken.

Mmust Acting Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo said in an interview that he visited the scene of crime after the police carried the body to the morgue and that his students were no longer safe and called for action from security agencies to stem the vice.

“I left the university around 8:30pm and on reaching Sichirai estate, I was accosted by a group of young men wielding machetes. I was hit from behind on my head with a blunt object and collapsed," said Otoro

 “The killing of Markrine Wanaina has shaken us to the core. Our students within the estates are no longer safe. We wonder what police are doing in helping flush out the gang that is killing our students given that mystery surrounding previous murders has not been solved,” said Prof. Shibairo in a phone interview.

Prof. Shibairo asked the government to establish a police patrol base at Kefinco estate where most of the murder cases have been reported.

Kakamega Sub County Police Commander, David Kabena said that they are holding a suspect ( deceased boyfriend) who is helping the police with investigations.

On another incident a student, Kennedy Otoro, in his statement was attacked around Sichirai area around 9pm recently.

“I left the university around 8:30pm and on reaching Sichirai estate, I was accosted by a group of young men wielding machetes. I was hit from behind on my head with a blunt object and collapsed,” said Otoro

He added : “When I gained consciousness later, I woke up and found myself in a stranger’s compound with my clothes soaked in blood. The stranger was afraid and threatened to call the police on me but luckily, a friend of mine who lived around saw me and he called his friends who helped and took me to Lumino hospital,”.

Kennedy claimed that medics at Lumino hospital did not attend to him because he had no money on him but had to go to the university clinic from where his wounds were patched up. He had suffered severe head injuries.

“I have been in Kakamega since 2016, and I have never been attacked. These people are not strangers that’s why they attacked me from behind. They are not only thieves but murderers. Students should just take care, Kakamega is not safe anymore,” Otoro  said.



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