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HomeKenya NewsPeople living disability protest in Bungoma, residents fearing Covid-19

People living disability protest in Bungoma, residents fearing Covid-19


By Tony Wafula

‘’Even those living with disability need money and are able to work, disability is not in ability,’’ he said.

Business and transport activities were brought to a standstill at Bungoma County governor’s office entry gate when people living with disability stripped themselves blaming county guards for their hindrance to access the county office.

They blamed governor Wangamati for neglecting them whenever they want him to hear their grievances.

The peaceful protest started at around 8am on Wednesday at Bungoma airstrip which lasted for the whole day.

They sang traditional songs calling on Wangamati to intervene as corona virus bites.

Ben Wekesa alias known as Obama representing those living with albinism in Mt. Elgon blamed Titus Ndalu the representative of PLWD in Bungoma County for partnering with the county government to benefit themselves and other few greedy fellows.

‘’Since Coronavirus came to Kenya specifically to Bungoma PLWD i haven’t gotten any support from the county leadership which have propelled me to organize for this peaceful demo,’’ he said.

He added that the county government spend much in knitting of facemasks at Wekelekha Vocation training institute which PLWD didn’t access even facemask.

‘’I heard Governor Wangamati on radio saying that he has made face masks which will distributed to vulnerable homes but I myself I didn’t receive any,’’ he said.

He lauded the move by the government of Kenya for considering youths for kazi mtaani programme but they haven’t considered PLWD.

‘’I think this kazi mtaani programme should be carried out without any tribalism, skin colour or the clan that come from it should cut across all communities,’’ he said, calling on Bungoma county commissioner to consider those living with disability.

‘’Even those living with disability need money and are able to work, disability is not in ability,’’ he said.

However, Titus Ndalu Chairman of People living with disability in Bungoma County dismissed the allegations saying that he is following the ministry of health directives in holding illegal meetings.

‘’I want to tell my friends who are on the way protesting, it is something internal which we could have solved , accusing me is not a solution, please we can’t work that way  am strictly following the ministries directives in combating the curb the spread of Coronavirus,’’ he said.

He accused Governor Wangamati’s opponents who might have funded them to cause disorder in town to stop and concentrate much on development.

He added through the county government he was able to distribute facemasks and relief foodstuffs to PLWD.

‘’The county gave me facemasks and foodstuffs which I distributed in all the nine sub-counties, I don’t know what has really pushed my good friends to disclose their anger on the street,’’ he said.



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