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Bishop Khamala to Church leaders: Pray and Fast for the nation to contain Covid-19


By Andrew Ombuni

Church leaders across the country have been urged to embrace prayer and fasting as a way of combating the spread of coronavirus disease.

Lurambi MP, Bishop Titus Khamala wants Pastors and Bishops to go to Prayer Mountains for prayer and fasting and seek forgiveness on behalf of the nation to avert the current crisis.

He said when the virus is contained, churches will resume their services as usual.

The MP is currently at Ingolomosio Prayer Mountain for prayer and fasting in Kakamega County interceding for the nation.

Bishop Titus Khamala at Ingolomosio Prayer Mountain

“I am calling upon church leaders to go to the hills seeking forgiveness from God on behalf of the nation. We can raise an alter anywhere and seek the face of God in this trying moments. When the new infections will end, our places of worship will be re-opened again, “said Bishop Khamala.

The MP is who the founder of Cornerstone Gospel Ministries said Covid19 was a demonic attack to the nation and it cannot be fought with soap and water but by invoking the power of God.

“The devil knows that when we go to the church to pray, the virus will go away. As church leaders we won’t beg the government to reopen churches but we should embrace prayers to defeat the devil. This time round church leaders are being ridiculed and laughed at. If we are true prophets, why can’t we pray for the virus to go,” said Bishop Khamala.

Bishop Titus Khamala at Ingolomosio Prayer Mountain

He added: “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against rulers of darkness.(Ephesians 6:12). Let us put on the full armor of God and stand our ground with the belt of truth buckled around our waists as well as the breastplate of righteousness and declare an end to more infections,”

He said if the church will not wake up to the calling and pray, the government will continue discriminating against the church on grounds that the places of worship are prone to the spread of the deadly virus.

“The government has allowed Matatus and buses and supermarkets to operate as well as at least 15 people to attend burial ceremonies but the churches have been closed. This is the devil at work and must be stopped,” said Bishop Khamala.

Quoting Genesis 13:4 where Abram built an alter for God at Bethel, the MP said that was the meeting point between Abraham and God whenever he wanted divine intervention, saying the church should the same to avert the current crisis in Kenya.

Bishop Titus Khamala at Ingolomosio Prayer Mountain

According to the lawmaker, coronavirus will break and make the church depending on how pastors and bishops will handle the issue, adding that the flock should not get weary, as God cannot test his people beyond their reach.

 Khamala said prayers will also enable doctors and scientist get the vaccine that can treat the virus and bring to an end the calamity that has collapsed world economies leading to jobs cuts and deaths.

“Jesus Christ took up our pain and bore our suffering when he was hanged on the cross at Calvery.He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5). We shall overcome,” said Khamala.

He said Italy was hard hit by the Covid-19 pandemic since it was prophesized (Jeremiah 7:32), saying this should make people realise that Covid-19 is a demonic force that has disguised itself as a virus.



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