By Oduor Otieno
Three health facilities in Busia have received donation of essential drugs.
The drugs were distributed to Nasira and Busibwabo dispensaries and Nasewa health centre.
The donation is a relief to the patients who have had to buy drugs from chemists for months now.

Nasira had operated for six months without drugs while Busibwabo three months.
The Nursing Officer at Nasira Jane Buluma said the drugs will sustain the facility for at least one month. She hailed Busia Sugar Industries, which donated the drugs for coming to the rescue of patients.
Ant-venom, ant-rabies, iron supplements for pregnant mothers and ant-hypertensive were among the drugs that Nasira and Nasewa received from Busia Sugar Industries (BSI).

“The patients will at least for next one month not buy the drugs since we have received a donation of most of the essential drugs in our store,” said Buluma.
“The patients will at least for next one month not buy the drugs since we have received a donation of most of the essential drugs in our store,” said Buluma.
Busia County has not been distributed with drugs by Kenya Medical Supply Agency for nearly four months.
In March, the department of health and sanitation placed an order of Sh77million but the agency was yet to distribute according to the Chief Officer for health Isaac Omeri.

BSI’s Public Relations Officer Stephen Mullah said the company decided to distribute the drugs following a request from the managers of the health facilities.
“This is part of company’s Corporate Social Responsibility, it is good that patients are going to get drugs without spending,” said Mullah.
“This is part of company’s Corporate Social Responsibility, it is good that patients are going to get drugs without spending,” said Mullah.

Busibwabo’s Nursing Officer Pamela Akoyo said the anti-rabies will help in treating patients with dig bites. “There is every drugs we needed to serve patients well in our store,” said Pamela.
Busibwabo was also testing patients and refer them to buy drugs in chemists just like Nasira dispensary. A resident Shaban Makokha warned the facilities that received drugs against stealing them.
Dan Okiro who is in-charge of Nasewa said the drugs will supplement the ones the devolved unit had supplied them. Nasewa attends to over 2,500 per month and admits 60 patients in same period.
Stealing of drugs has been rife especially in local public health hospitals in the county.