By Violet Grade.
Member of parliament hon.John Makali has argued parents not to fully depend on government fundings instead they should support school developments through paying the school fees.
Speaking during the launching and handing over of five new JSS classrooms at Kibabii Boys Boarding primary school,Makali said that over dependency on government funding often delay school developments and growth.
“This funding isn’t enough even if we take all the CDF funds and put in bursaries it won’t be enough,i call upon parents at least to take part in school growth through paying of school fees and take part in school projects that can bring about capitation”he said.
As the economy of the country is under crisis,every stakeholder should wholly strive to participate in institution development .
He further state that they should work towards achieving best results and excell academically.
“When we have good buildings we should also have good results,this goes to our teachers they should work harder to see our pupils excel academically.”
Mr.Evans Mbanacho, the school’s headteacher, never concealed his excitement during his speech, saying that he is delighted with the steps they are taking to develop the school, noting that this will improve the school’s academic environment and thus produce good results.
“Am greatfull for the CDF funding and we promise to pull our socks in every sector, cohessiveness with teachers and parents is the key to this achievement.”said Mbanacho.