Monday, March 3, 2025
HomeEducationTeachers' Payslip Are Drained Says Bumula MP

Teachers’ Payslip Are Drained Says Bumula MP

By Violet Grade.

Bumula MP Hon.Jack Wamboka cried out for teachers saying that their payslip has drained and is reading negative which is not proportional to their workload.

Speaking in Bumula, during the thanks giving ceremony of Bungoma South Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Executive Secretary Mwalimu Kennedy Luketelo at Bunambobi, Wamboka said that teachers are one of the leading institutions that suffer and has been undervalued.

“Payslip yao iko sufuri! You cannot lead a country whose people cannot sustain themselves”he said.

For this to be achieved,teachers are supposed to stand firm in solidarity and fight for their rights so as to reduce stagnation in teachers’ employment and promotions as regular wage increases in tax and other deductions .
He further cautioned leaders who practice sycophancy noting that that’s the major disease that’s attacking our leaders thus bringing them backwards in terms of development.

KNUT national second vice chairman Aggrey Namisi said that they don’t want members of perliament to employ teachers,they want TSC to employ teachers to avoid corruption that is highly experienced in teachers’ promotions and employment.

The newly elected KNUT executive secretary Luketelo put a smile on teachers’ faces by assuring them that he’s working on tackling the issue of food security in schools and during his regime he will push it to the maximam to ensure food is supplied in schools.

“Am talking to the Kenya Primary Schools Head Teachers Association( KEPSHA) and very soon the programme of meals will be rolled across the branch.”said Luketelo.

Also present were;former Bungoma governor Wycliffe Wangamati,MCA Kimaeti ward Jackson Wambulwa,Assistant excutive secretaryKNUT Bungoma county Brenda Cheng’oli.


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