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Kinity Criticizes President Ruto’s Cabinet Reshuffle Amidst Rising Concerns

Dr. Isaac Newton Kinity Criticizes President Ruto’s Cabinet Reshuffle Amidst Rising Concerns

In a recent interview, Dr. Isaac Newton Kinity raised concerns about President William Ruto’s recent cabinet reshuffle, accusing the President of acting not in the interest of the Kenyan people but to pacify growing Gen Z protests.

According to Dr. Kinity, this reshuffle is a strategic move aimed at bringing back Ruto’s former allies, many of whom have been previously associated with corruption.

The cabinet reshuffle was widely viewed as a response to the increasing unrest among Kenya’s youth, particularly Generation Z, who have been protesting against economic challenges, corruption, and government policies.

Dr. Kinity argues that the reshuffle is a mere political maneuver to quell dissent rather than a genuine effort to improve governance.

Dr. Kinity also drew a parallel between the recent protests and the 2007-2008 post-election violence, during which several witnesses who testified against President Ruto were reportedly murdered under mysterious circumstances.

The fears about the safety of Gen Z protesters have been fueled by recent police brutality, where officers were captured on camera using excessive force against unarmed demonstrators, leading to several deaths.

There are growing concerns that, similar to the ICC witnesses, those involved in documenting or exposing police brutality may face threats or even death to suppress evidence, potentially shielding the President and other officials from international scrutiny.

In addressing the current political landscape, Dr. Kinity praised Raila Odinga’s decision to pursue the African Union Chairmanship, stating that while Raila transitions to a new role, the opposition remains united and ready to continue advocating for the rights of Kenyans.

Amid these political tensions, Kenya is also facing public health challenges, with cases of monkeypox being reported in the country.

The government confirmed a fourth case recently, adding to the strain on the nation’s healthcare system.

Dr. Kinity criticized the government for its financial mismanagement, alleging that Kenya has been plundered through loans, grants, and misuse of public funds.

He highlighted that recent disagreements between KNUT and KUPPET over a planned teachers’ strike suggest that President Ruto may be using divide-and-rule tactics, paying off one union to undermine the other.

Dr. Kinity concluded by stating that Kenya is experiencing political instability, with President Ruto reopening old projects to attract foreign funding. The relaunch of these projects, many of which were initiated under former President Uhuru Kenyatta, is seen by critics as a desperate attempt to secure new loans and grants from international partners.


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