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HomeGovernanceWhy CS Namwamba Roots For Chetambe To Be Busia County UDA Chairman

Why CS Namwamba Roots For Chetambe To Be Busia County UDA Chairman

By Reuben Olita 

Minisyry of Affairs, Creative Economy and Sports Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba revealed on Monday why he is rooting for former Angurai North Ward Member of the County Assembly, Maurice Chetambe to take over as Busia County chairman of the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party in Friday’s sub county elections.

Addressing 240 delegates drawn from Teso North and Teso South Sub Counties ahead of the sub county elections at Kocholia in Amagoro, the CS said Busia is a multi ethnic county with Tesos and Luhyas, being dominant.

The party goes to Friday’s elections with Chetambe and and 2022 MCA aspirant from Samia Eugene Masombo alias Samaki Kubwa to vie for the county chairmanship.

He also revealed how he convened a meeting with his former colleague during President Kibaki’s reign, Dr Paul Otuoma, former Attoney General Amos Wako and then assistant minister for labour Sospeter Ojaamong to decide on who should become the first governor of Busia in 2013 General elections.

” I brokered a stalemate as then Secretary General of Orange Democratic Party where we endorsed Ojaamong to vie for the seat on ODM ticket. I campaigned for Ojaamong to catapult him to county leadership.

Ababu’s Amagoro declaration to endorse Hon Chetambe for the top county job comes in the wake of Principal Secretary Susan Mang’eni rooting for the Masombo team to carry the day.

” With me as the CS and my sister Susan Mang’eni as PS, and both from the Luhya community, we need to balance the county for purposes of unity and share resources, and achieve balanced leadership.

“He went on:” Chetambe has tested leadership. It was not easy to sell UDA in Teso North. He went against the grain to confirm he is a tempterary of a leader.

He disclosed he had marshalled resources for Chetambe, noting that he wants a person to bring leadership.I never back a losing side. I backed Ojaamong for two terms as Busia Governor, Mwai Kibaki, Uhuru Kenyatta, and current President Dr William Ruto as Preident.

He said Ruto’s bottom-up approach style of leadership will make UDA’s chairmen become the president’s political mouthpiece at county levels they will remain to monitor the country’s economic agenda.

While welcoming former Busia Governor Sospeter Ojaamong’s diehard Stephen Omuse after being elected Amukura Central ward UDA chair, Nanwamba said Omuse will bring value to the party.

” I am not a stranger in Teso North when I joined Salvation Army Kolanya Boys High School at the age of 13 years. My elevation to the position of headboy made me become an educator and researcher, leadership
as he lived with the Iteso people,” he said.

Ababu added: ” I could sometimes forego my holiday to interact with the Okiring and Isogol families to show my love and respect for the Iteso community. inorder to return my appreciation to the Iteso communityfor hosting me during my education career he helped helped construct a storeyed dorm at Kolanya Boys High School, a borehole at Kolanya Girls National School, and launch of Amagoro Polyrechnic.”

The CS, in a veiled attack, told the county leadership to stop dividing the county along ethnicity line, noting that favouring one community against the others in a multi ethnic county will make 1them unpopular

Hon. Namwamba said, besides being President William Ruto’s Iteso Cultural Union ambassador, he had helped accord jobs in the government for the Iteso, including the chairman of Lake Victoria North Water Works Development Agency John Imoite among others.

Ababu welcomed former Busia Gover Sospeter Ojaamong’s close ally, Stephen Omuse, noting that his entry will bring value to the ruling party, urging him to convince more members to cross ODM to UDA.

Mr Chetambe vilified Principal Secretary Susan Mang’eni for fronting for Masongo’s chairmanship, wondering where she came from after being supported by the Teso Community where she reached today.

” Mang’eni is forgetting that I was his point person in Teso North.One day, she will come to Teso North, which might be a walk in the park,” he said.

Former nominated Member of the County Assembly for Bunyala South Ward Casper Ajuma said he knows the existence of two camps, one led by former Angurai North MCA Chetambe, and the other by Eugene Masombo.

County Organising secretary in waiting Erick Obayi said Ababu loves the Iteso community, having backed Ojaamong’s governorship and now Chetambe, noting that Chetambe was popular in all regions including Bunyala, Butuala, Matayos, Teso South and Teso North.

The only UDA MCA from Busia County, who represents Amukura West Ward in Teso South Dr Boniface Erute and Amukura West UDA chairperson, said that Dr. Bonface Erute said that Hon.. Chetambe will be the next County UDA boss.

Erure urged his party to embrace diversity to have many members join it,1 noting that the bigger the numbers, the boost for UDA. However, Dr. Erute raised issues over missing names in the system author they appear in the manual register.

A delegate Grace Imo who vied for Women Rep in 2017 Busia County elections and now seeks for Sub County Women Rep in UDA elections appealed to President William Ruto to allocate at least one top national position to a woman from Teso North noting that they have been segregated at the expense of men.

Kizito Echakara urged the Iteso community to join the UDA party enmass and to support President William Ruto and all leaders in UDA.

1. Abau Namwamba receiving former Governor Sospeter Ojaamong’s aide Stephen Omuse to the UDA party in Amagoro on Monday.


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