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HomeKenya NewsRuto to police: I will give you tools to fight modern terrorism

Ruto to police: I will give you tools to fight modern terrorism

By Seliphar Musungu, Nairobi

President William Ruto has said that his government will equip the police with modern tools to fight modern crime and counter acts of terrorism.

He said that he will ensure equalize the ratio of the police with that of the citizens for proper protection. 

 “We have also sustained the commitment to escalate the police-to-citizen ratio by recruiting and training more policemen and women on a continuous basis to ensure that Kenyans have access to responsive and effective police protection throughout the country.” said Ruto 

President William Ruto

Ruto said that as they work towards ensuring that every part of the country police welfare and facilitation will be mandatory to create a conducive working environment. 

“We are determined to deliver security in all parts of Kenya without sacrificing fundamental rights and freedoms. A more autonomous, professional and better resourced police service whose members enjoy conducive terms of employment and conditions of service and have access to adequate welfare amenities, will go a long way in facilitating this commitment.” Said Ruto 

He said that the government has invested into infrastructure and other amenities to ensure that the police have the capacity to deal with crime and perform their duties as expected.

“We have increased our investment in the provision of infrastructure, equipment and technology for the police to improve their capacity to combat crime and protect Kenyans and their property. This includes the establishment of an ultra-modern forensic laboratory to enable our investigators solve complex crimes and keep bad elements off through effective prosecution.

He also highlighted that the government will review police conditions with the intention of improving it where necessary and provide insurance covers to the police and their families. 

“As regards the terms of employment, conditions of service and welfare of police officers, the government has undertaken a number of measures. I recently appointed a Taskforce to Review the Conditions of Service for the Police and Prisons Services, whose report and recommendations shall chart a clear and actionable path to significant improvements,” said Ruto

 He added: “The government will also provide a comprehensive health insurance cover, to ensure that all police officers and their families have access to high quality medical services, including mental health and psycho-social support,”

The president said that there should be a good relation between members of the public and the police for the police to be able to effectively carry out their duties.

“We have enhanced coordination between various agencies in resolving crime and security threats, while at the same time deepening the collaboration between the police services and communities. For this reason, it is important for every police officer to be mindful of the need to maintain relations of mutual respect with members of the public as a matter of necessity,” said Ruto

He went on: “This is because citizens are their employers, citizens’ rights and freedoms are constitutionally protected and also because cordial relations with the public enhances police capacity to keep citizens, their communities and property safe,”

He also explained that the government shall provide affordable houses to the police in service for them to leave commendable lives

“We have identified police officers as priority beneficiaries of the affordable housing projects, in order to ensure that members of the service lead dignified lives in clean, spacious, safe and secure houses and neighborhoods,” he said 



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