By Collins Matubwi
The race for the Butsotso Central ward rep seat has narrowed down to three contestants going by the latest opinion polls ahead of the August 9, general elections.
If elections were to be held today, Evans Ambale will elected as Butsotso Central Ward Rep with 431 votes (21.84 per cent) followed by Daniel Nyangweso with 427 votes (21.64 per cent) and Mr Ambundo, the incumbent will emerge third with 393 votes (19.92 per cent).
The seat has attracted six other candidates who are seeking to unseat the incumbent MCA Lystone Ambundo who is set to defend his seat.

Evans Ambale
The opinion poll was conducted between December 03, 2021 – January 07, 2022 by the County Splash News, an online news agency and a research firm.
The targeted sample size was 2,000 people but only 1,973 respondents across Butsotso Central Ward participated in the poll.
The margin of error was -1 and +1. The study was conducted through telephone interviews, face-to-face interviews and filling of questionnaires.
Magomere Ogola will be at the seventh position with 67 votes (3.39 per cent). During the study, 143 (7.25 per cent) respondents were undecided.
The study focused on the reasons the respondents preferred a particular candidate while at the same time, their second best alternative candidate if their candidate of choice is not on the ballot.

If elections were to be held today, Evans Ambale will elected as Butsotso Central Ward Rep with 431 votes (21.84 per cent) followed by Daniel Nyangweso with 427 votes (21.64 per cent) and Mr Ambundo, the incumbent will emerge third with 393 votes (19.92 per cent).

Hon Daniel Nyangweso
Jacob Makari would be at the fourth position with 229 votes (11.61 per cent), Charles Mukoshi will be at the fifth position with 171 votes (8.67 per cent) and Ibrahim Onam will be at the sixth position with 112 votes (5.68 per cent).
Magomere Ogola will be at the seventh position with 67 votes (3.39 per cent). During the study, 143 (7.25 per cent) respondents were undecided.
Ambale’s name is well known in the ward as per the respondents.
He was second to Ambundo, the incumbent MCA in the 2017 general election and since then he maintained his presence on the ground with charitable activities.

Evans Ambale (seated)
The candidate has comparative advantage against the other contestants given that he is the only one coming from Shiunzu sub location in the ward and if he can play his cards well, then he can succeed Ambundo.
Mr Nyangweso’s youthful age resonates well with the majority of the youth in the ward who prefer him against other candidates who are relatively older. He also commands a huge following among the women in the ward.

He has an advantage of trouncing the other competitors in the race given that he will be vying on the Amani National Congress (ANC) of Musalia Mudavadi, which is among the most popular parties in the ward.

Hon Daniel Nyangweso
According to the respondents, his philanthropic activities like the two medical camps he hosted at Mwangaza and Ematietie primary school recently, supporting women led self-help groups, payment of school fees to needy students in the ward and clearing hospital bills of the locals stuck in hospitals has endeared him to the voters.
The respondents said he is humble and approachable and therefore can make a good leader. However, he hails from Shibuli sub location where they are four candidates vying for the same seat and this might complicate his matrix.
Ambundo by being an incumbent cannot be underrated in the race. He still commands a huge following among the elderly and women. The youths perceive him to be an absentee landlord who has not worked for them for the two terms he has been an MCA as per there expectations.

Hon Lystone Ambundo
Ambundo, was perceived to be an underdog in the last polls but emerged victorious with a resounding victory and is likely to use similar tactics in the forthcoming polls.
Political pundits say that by being an ODM diehard and with the blessings of Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya, he is likely to secure the seat for a third time. He comes from the crowded Shibuli location.
Makari if he plays his cards well, he can pull a surprise and become the next MCA of Butsotso Central but his first uphill task is to wrestle for the ODM certificate from Mr Ambundo to have a clear way to victory.

Hon Jacob Makari (with specs)
Makari hails from Shisiru sub location and will have to flex muscles with Mr Mukoshi who also has a huge following in the area.
Political pundits avers that he should also strive to get the tag ‘not being a native’ which is among of the obstacles he is encountering in his political journey.
He hails from Shisiru same to the current Lurambi MP Bishop Titus Khamala and this may work against him.
There those who feel that they cannot have a ward rep and an MP coming from the same ward.

Hon Charles Mukoshi
He will also have to outwit Makari overtures in the sub location in a bid to secure his support base.
He works at the Lurambi National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) and if he plays his cards well, he can succeed in his quest by walking in the shadow of area MP Titus Khamala who commands a huge following in the constituency.

Hon Ibrahim Onam
He will have to fight the perception from the locals that while at the NG-CDF, he has not helped the locals get bursary and job opportunities there. He hails from the crowded Shibuli sub location.
His old age and not being a native in the ward is complicating his equation but political pundits from the area believe that if he can get a good party to run on, he can give the other candidates a run for their money.