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HomeKenya NewsKakamega Women Rep spends Christmas with street families and new mothers

Kakamega Women Rep spends Christmas with street families and new mothers

Kakamega Women Rep spends Christmas with street families and new mothers

By Wilson Abiri

More than fifteen babies were born at the Kakamega County Teaching and Referral Hospital on the Christmas day as the World celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ.

According to Alice Harambe, the facility’s nursing Incharge of the Maternity Wing, Christmas day came with lots of blessings as more ‘Jesus’ were born few hours after the ‘baby Jesus’ was born in a manger in Bethlehem.

Kakamega County Women Representative Elsie Muhanda giving foodstuffs to a patient who delivered at 5am on the Christmas Day at the Kakamega County Teaching and Refferal Hospital -Photo/Wilson Abiri/County Splash

“Expectant women who were experiencing labour pains throughout the night starting delivering at 3am and by 3pm, fifteen newborns had been ushered into the world. We didn’t receive any newborn at the twelfth hour of the midnight, when the Messiah to save the mankind was born. At 3am, the first woman delivered a bouncing baby boy,”

Kakamega County Women Representative, Elsie Muhanda, took time off her busy schedule and spent her afternoon with the new mothers at the facility.

Patients could not hide their happiness as Mama Elsie visited them loaded with goodies to share the joy of Christmas together.

Kakamega Women Representative Elsie Muhanda poses for a photo with a new mother at the Kakamega Teaching and Referral Hospital. She delivered a baby girl at 4.15am on the Christmas Day-Photo/Wilson Abiri/County Splash

Ms Muhanda gifted them with baby diapers, bread, milk and other foodstuffs needed to enhance growth of young babies.

Sheila Inganji, 23, who delivered her baby boy, Shadrack Imbuye, at 3am while breastfeeding her baby, met Ms Muhanda for the first time.

 “I am really a happy mother now after delivering Shadrack my son just a few hours after our Messiah was born. If he was a baby girl, I would have named her after the Women Reprentative. She has blessed me and am happy. It’s good when women leaders stand with their fellow women in hour of need,” said Inganji.

Ms Muhanda while addressing the press at the facility said she chose to celebrate the day with the new mothers and sick patients by giving hope and sharing with them the love of Christ.

According to Ms Muhanda, during the festive season leaders should spent their time with the less fortunate in the society who elevated them to who (politicians) are today.

 “We are all Kenyans and even in this festive season, we should remember our children and mothers who are at the hospital and share food with them. I urge all elected leaders not to run away from those who made them get in power but instead be closer to them and make merry together.” She said.

Earlier, the Women Representative fed over 200 street families at the Kakamega Youth Empowerment Centre.

A street kid commonly known as Sungura feeding Kakamega Women Representative Elsie Muhanda with a piece of cake at the Kakamega Youth Empowerment Centre. The Woman MP had lunch with over 200 street urchins on the Christmas Day-Photo/Wilson Abiri/County Splash

 Muhanda urged the County Government of Kakamega to consider constructing a rehabilitation centre for them, saying the rehab centre can help in making them responsible citizens in future. “We must take care of the street children and ensure their basic needs like food, shelter and clothing is catered for,”

Ms Muhanda challenged both the national and county governments to construct schools for the street families since those who have reformed and gone back to school, have been posting exemplary performance.

kids that will ensure that all the street kids attend school and become better people in our society. We

Kakamega Women Representative Elsie Muhanda giving food to street urchins at the Kakamega Youth Empowerment Centre on the Christmas Day -Photo/Wilson Abiri/County Splash

“Andrew Owili is a street child and was helped by well-wishers to go back to school. In this year’s Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE), she scored 336 marks. I will pay for his secondary education,” said Muhanda.

She also visited the Kakamega GK prisons and distributed food stuffs to them also.

Kakamega Women Representative Elsie Muhanda (Right) with Andrew Owili (a street urchin) who scored 336 marks in 2019 KCPE. Ms Muhanda said she will sponsor him through his secondary education _Photo/Wilson Abiri/County Splash

The Woman MP also met the over 125 Tumaini Scholars (teenage mothers who she took back to school) at Kakamega Youth Empowerment Centre. They were joined by Eagles scholars.

Five of the teenage mothers, sat for this year’s Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) and scored between B-Plain and C (Plus). Ms Muhanda said she would help them secure admission in the leading universities in the country.

“We are giving the young mothers a second chance in life to redeem themselves. They have to understand their current situation and we won’t condemn them for getting pregnant. We will support them to realise their full potential,” she said.



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