Mercy Buyanzi -Trans Nzoia County
63% of school-going girls in Trans Nzoia County face immense challenges in accessing sanitary towels, resulting in the use of unorthodox alternatives such as old sweaters and mattresses to manage their monthly menstrual cycles.

The chair lady of the LM Foundation Lucia Musau which is dedicated to eradicating menstrual poverty in the country, said affected girls miss 180 hours out of school every year due to the unavailability of sanitary pads.
“It is worrying that most girls miss lessons for about a week in a month since they have no access to sanitary towels since they come from poor backgrounds,” Ms Musau spoke at Immaculate Conception Girls Mukuyu in Cherangany constituency.
Musau, who was accompanied by a group of passionate female golf enthusiasts to donate pads and pants to girls at the school, urged the government to classify sanitary towels as a basic need.

The school Principal Sally Nyongesa corroborated the severity of the situation by revealing a significant increase in absenteeism among female students due to the lack of sanitary pads.
“I call upon compassionate individuals and organizations to rally together and support girls, particularly those in rural areas who are most in need of assistance. This will guarantee their learning,” said Mrs Nyongesa.
The Trans Nzoia KUPPET gender representative Immaculate Cheserem said most boarding schools are affected, making it challenging for such girls to compete effectively with the boys.
“It is worse in schools that have a challenge of accessing piped water which makes it a challenge which is not only unhygienic but also exposes them to bacteria and fungal infections,” said Ms Cheserem.

A student at the school, Viviane Achieng, said many girls with the challenge of acquiring sanitary towels go through challenging experiences whenever they are having their periods because they have to miss lessons for lack of the pads which causes low self-esteem.