Governor Kenneth Lusaka has urged village, Ward and Sub county Administrators to shun political activism and support the government’s development agenda.

Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka
Speaking at Mabanga ATC during the meeting that brought together all public service and management Administrators, Lusaka called on the county men and women in uniform to discharge their duties within the law and avoid engaging in political events and affairs.

“As civil servants, you are not allowed to engage in politics, kindly desist and work within the law,” said Lusaka.
Governor recommended full induction and paramilitary training for the officers to enable them discharge their duties well.

The county boss further said he will review the scheme of service for the administrators to ease the process of promotions.

The Administrators thanked Governor Lusaka for appointing one of their own Evelyn Wekesa, a former Sirisia Sub County Administrator to be the new Chief Officer Public Service Management and Administration.

Deputy Governor Janepher Mbatiany, Ag. County Secretary Monicah Fedha, CECs, Chief Officers and other county government officials were present.