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HomeKenya NewsRev. James Obunde to be enthroned as second Archbishop of Church of...

Rev. James Obunde to be enthroned as second Archbishop of Church of God tomorrow

By Collins Matubwi


Rev. James Obunde,68, will take over the reins of power tomorrow (Sunday) when he will be consecrated as the second  Archbishop of Church of God East Africa.

He takes over from the late Archbishop Byrum Makokha,88, who served the church for over 50 years.

Rev.  Obunde will be ordained as the second Archbishop of the church by the  National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) Chairman and the leader of the African Brotherhood Church Archbishop Timothy Ndambuki.

Rev Obunde has been serving as the Deputy Archbishop in charge of Administration before his elevation to the new position.

Rev.  Obunde will be ordained as the second Archbishop of the church by the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) Chairman and the leader of the African Brotherhood Church Archbishop Timothy Ndambuki.

 The church has its headquarters at Kima town in Luanda constituency.

The constitution states that the top church organ will comprise the Archbishop and two deputies in charge of Administration and Guiding and Counseling respectively.

“The two deputies are eligible candidates to be appointed as archbishop. Its the church Senate that picks one of them and forwards his name nominee to the Ministerial Authorization and Ordinances Board for approval,” said Rev. Obunde.

Whenever a vacancy falls in case of death, incapacitation or retirement, the deputy archbishop in charge of administration takes over in acting capacity until a new office bearer is found.

“The two deputies are eligible to be appointed as archbishop. It’s the church Senate that picks one of them and forwards his name to the Ministerial Authorization and Ordinances Board for approval,” said Obunde.

If the board approves the name of the nominee, they forward it to the General Assembly and then the nominee becomes the Archbishop Elect awaiting enthronement.

Rev Grace Makokha who is the second wife to the late Archbishop Byrum Makokha. His first wife died in 2010

The instruments of power that Rev. Obunde will be given are the Bible, Certificate of Consecration and the Church Constitution.

Obunde said financial challenges remain a major problem he will have to deal with.

Obunde said donors from the United States stopped supporting the church and now he to move the church forward by initiating income generating projects.

Obunde holds a diploma in Bible and Theology from Kima International School of Theology, Bachelors and Master’s Degree in Religion from Azusa Pacific University (USA) and a second Master’s degree in Business Administration from California State Polytechnic University (USA).

He also served as the Director at the Board of Pensions (now pastor’s welfare) for two years, Administrative Assistant to the Executive Secretary Treasurer and General Secretary and Administrative Church Coordinator for 14 years.



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