By Collins Matubwi
The Catholic Church has appealed to Kenyans to embrace and support the clergymen in discharging their duties as a way of fostering societal growth.

Bishop Joseph Obanyi of the Kakamega Catholic Diocese said priests play a key role in the socio-economic development of the society including spiritual nourishment, saying that for a long time they have been a forgotten lot and that it was a high time they be helped to preach the gospel.
Bishop Obanyi was speaking during the 25th anniversary celebrations at St Anne’s Catholic Church Eshisiru. The event was to mark 25 years of service Fr Kizito M’masi and Fr Benedict Muchenditsi have given to the church.

“The Catholic Church is self-reliant and therefore its faithfuls who have the responsibility to support pastoral work contrary to earlier days when European missionaries used to support some of the pastoral works. There’s therefore the need for the worshippers to help in starting income generating projects to help the church meet its financial needs,” said Bishop Obanyi.
The Kakamega Catholic Diocese Bishop Emeritus Philip Sulumeti on the other hand called upon the catholic faithfuls and clergy to be ambassadors of peace and love. “We have a clarion call of living in peace, love and unity as per the commandments of the Almighty God,”

Fr Benedict Muchenditsi, 54, who celebrated 25 years of Eucharistic service to the church is a lecturer of sacred scripture and biblical languages which he has taught at St Augustine Major Seminary Mabanga, St Mathia Mulumba Major Seminary Tindinyo and St Andrew Kaggwa Catechetical Centre Mumias.
Fr Muchenditsi has also served at St Joseph’s Cathedral Kakamega and was appointed Parish Priest Erusui Parish and later as Chaplain at Eregi Teachers Training College before being appointed Parish Priest at Hambale Catholic parish.

For Fr Kizito M’masi, he celebrates his silver jubilee having served in pastoral work as an Assistant Parish Priest at St Peters Parish Mumias.\
He was appointed Locum Tenens at St Ursula Parish Chamakanga and later to Holly Rosary Parish Shiseso.He has also served at St Charles Lwanga Parish, Chekalini, St Luke’s Parish Bumini and later Sacred heart of Jesus Parish Mukumu where he was appointed Dean of Mukumu Deanery. He is currently the Priest in Charge if St Anne’s Parish Eshisiru and Dean of Kakamega Deanery.